FADA Radio

Long Island City - New York  [1920-1965] 

FADA Radio Catalin + Plaskon FADA Radio & Electric Company radios were popular in the 1930's and 1940's, and their designs gave wide exposure to the potential of plastics. The letters F.A.D.A. are the initials of Frank Angelo D'Andrea, founder of FADA Radio Corp.

FADA produced many radios and televisions over the years, but its brightly colored Catalin radios, particularly the Model 1000, popularly known as "The Bullet", is the best-known. The "Bullet" was first introduced in 1940 as a 115 model. Unfortunately, the names of the designers of this iconic design remains unknown.  It was during the 1940s that the most enduring FADA plastic radio designs were made and marketed. The brightly colored Catalin and Plaskon "Fada Coloradios" streamlined designs became part of the history of what is referred to as the "Golden Age of Radio," during the 1940s. The Catalin FADA radios made prewar are often referred to as the "early" models.

Other Catalin models manufactured by FADA that are well known + sought after by radio collectors because of their fabulous Deco designs include: "Bullet" models 115, 116, 189 "All-American" + 200 Series which was also made as an "All-American" with blue bezel, blue cabinet "All-American" with red handle + knobs must have a 189 sticker, the L-56/ L-26 / 136 / 149 / 202 / SW157 + 188 and 202 as "All-American" model(recommended to have sticker for all color combos except possibly the blue handle + knobs version), F55 / 52/ F44, 5F60 / 21, 5F50 / 53, 652 / 252 / 659 "Temple", 700 "Cloud", and the 711 "Dip-Top".

The FADA "Bullet" model was made in three different cabinet/trim variations: standard grill slit cut-outs, open-face, and insert grill. The open-face + inset grill models were made in the factory when the slits on the grill were damaged during the molding process. FADA workers just cut out the damaged grill section in order to save a cabinet and have a radio that was salable. The open-face is sought to be a transitional model to the insert grill with very few made.

** We are always looking to buy FADA Catalin Radios as well as other Catalin, Plaskon + Bakelite radios by any manufacturer. Please contact us if you are looking to sell a radio. Calls are always welcome: 305.778.2182 **

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