Sparton Radio

Jackson - Michigan  [1900 -] 

Sparton Radio The Sparks-Withington Company of Jackson, Michigan or SPARTON as it became known is considered to be one of the most adventurous manufacturers when it came to the choice of cabinet materials. They used wood, glass, chrome, Bakelite, Plaskon, and adding to the line-up the 500C in Cloisonné and Catalin.

Their highly artistic juxta-position of these materials has resulted in some of the most distinctive and collectible sets of the tube radio genre.

In 1935 they introduced a series of midnight blue + old rose(peach) glass mirror and wood radios designed by Walter Dorwin Teague such as the Nocturne and Bluebird models, followed by the 557 "3-Knob Sled" in 1936, the deluxe 558 "4-Knob Sled", 517-B "Black Cube" in 1937 and, the last of their mirror radios, the 409GL "7-Sided" was launched in 1938.

The Sparton "Bluebird" and the 409-GL "7-Sided" were only available in midnight blue mirror from the factory. Sparton radios were never originally made with green mirror or other fantasy colors as far as known from period advertisements and experience.

** We are always looking to buy Sparton Mirror and Catalin Radios as well as other Catalin, Plaskon + Bakelite radios by any manufacturer. Please contact us if you are looking to sell a radio. Calls are always welcome: 305.778.2182 **